The Time Freedom Myth

business launch fractional product manager product coach Jun 19, 2024
The Brave Start Blog

Why Launching Your Business Won't (Always) Mean Working Less

Dreaming of life as an independent Product Coach or Fractional Product Manager that works less while hanging out in beachside cafes?

Let's get real for a moment.

Because we can't be a true partner in helping you launch and scale your business if we don't tell you the real truth - both ups & downs. 

If you're starting a business with the sole intention of working less, we're here to gently burst that bubble. The social media gurus might paint a rosy picture of only working 10 hours a week, but the reality of entrepreneurship is often far more complex.

The Double-Edged Sword of Flexibility

Yes, owning a business means you can go to the gym at 2 PM, but it also means you might find yourself drafting proposals at 10 PM. You might have the flexibility to skip Monday meetings, but if your clients are only available during traditional business hours, guess when you'll be meeting with them?

Starting a business isn't a magic ticket to a shorter workday. In fact, it often means working more hours, especially in the beginning. The hats you wear multiply – you're the CEO, the marketer, the accountant, the customer service rep, and more. It's a juggling act that requires dedication, grit, and a whole lot of caffeine.

Now, before you throw your laptop out the window, hear me out. While starting a business to work less is a misguided goal, starting a business to achieve flexibility is a whole different ballgame.

And something that comes with so many perks, as long as you know what you are stepping into.

Setting Realistic Expectations

So, does this mean entrepreneurship is a one-way ticket to burnout? Absolutely not! But it does mean you need to approach it with realistic expectations.

Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  1. The Early Days Are a Grind: Building a business takes time, effort, and often, a lot of late nights. If you're not prepared to put in the work, entrepreneurship might not be for you.
  2. Flexibility Isn't Always Synonymous with Less Work: You might have more control over your schedule, but you'll also likely be wearing multiple hats and juggling numerous responsibilities.
  3. Finding Your Rhythm Takes Time: Don't expect to achieve perfect work-life balance overnight. Experiment with different schedules and boundaries until you find what works for you.

The True Rewards of Entrepreneurship

Despite the challenges, launching your own business can be incredibly rewarding. Here are a few reasons why it might be worth the effort:

  • Autonomy: You get to call the shots and build things you're truly passionate about.
  • Impact: You have the potential to make a real difference in the lives of your clients or customers.
  • Growth: Entrepreneurship is a constant learning experience, both personally and professionally.
  • Financial Potential: While it's not guaranteed, owning a business can lead to greater financial freedom down the line.

For me, the biggest reward has been the ability to prioritize what matters most. When my daughter's specialist had an unexpected opening this week (instead of the first available appointment in December), I didn't have to worry about asking for time off or rescheduling meetings. I simply said yes and made it happen. That kind of flexibility is invaluable.

Are You Ready for the Journey?

Launching a business is a big decision, and it's not for everyone. But if you're passionate about your craft, willing to put in the work, and have a clear vision for the future, it can be an incredibly fulfilling path to a career phase and lifestyle you love.

At The Brave Start, we're here to support you every step of the way. We'll help you set realistic expectations, develop a sustainable work schedule, and build a business that aligns with your values and goals.

Ready to take the leap? We invite you to our free course - 5 steps to to launching your product coach + consultant business.

→ Grab your spot here!

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